Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Money - Rich or Dead?

Yesterday's Blue Monday brought a flurry of Life Auditors laying claim to it being all about the money.  Forget the snow, the failed New Year's resolutions, the long-time-till-summer-ness of the day that has given it its pantone rating -  no, January 18th was proper gloomy because the Christmas spending credit card bills were hitting the inbox and doormat.

"Its my personal bank balance, stupid" groaned Jon from Brighton which prompted Joe in New York to point out that the saying, first intoned by Bill Clinton, was a "snowclone."  

Snow bound as I am right now at the foot of three hills all too slippery to venture up, I  had to look it up.  Nothing to do with icy blasts it is instead apparently a "neologism for a type of cliche and phrasal template originally defined as a multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time worn, quoted or misquoted phrase or sentence that can be used in an entirely open array of different variants."  So there you go!

Not much comfort for one colleague who sadly observed, "Rich or Dead" when considering his financial predicament.   Worryingly it was less a question and more a statement!  

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